Nursing home abuse
Every year thousands of our elderly Americans are abused in nursing home facilities. These facilities are supposed to be responsible for the care and well being of our loved ones. Nursing homes are a place for our senior citizens to live-in and where care is available to them 24 hours. If you suspect however that your loved one is at risk, it is important that you be aware of some of the warning signs so you can act swiftly and decisively.
Our elderly population is on the rise, and given the social dynamics of today society, we are seeing a preference for nursing home care as oppose to in-home care. With that is mind we must now be even more vigilant in noticing the possible signs of abuse so that we can protect our loved one from this abuse.
We need to keep in mind that understanding the types of abuse goes a long way to assist in preventing future suffering.
Recognizing the Warning Signs
Recognizing the initial signs of nursing home abuse is the first key towards preventing further abuse from happening. Some of the signs to look out for include:
- Infected bedsores or pressure ulcers
- Unexplained falls and injuries like sprains, bruises or broken bones
- Medication errors
- Malnutrition and dehydration
- Unhealthy or unhygienic conditions
- Premature or unexplained death of your loved one
Although we are cognizant that nursing home abuse exists, we know what warning signs to look out for; we also must keep in mind that these signs of neglect may not always mean our elderly is suffering from neglect. The determination between neglect and abuse is a fine line and is often times difficult to distinguish. Advisably it is always best to consult with a qualified nursing home abuse attorney to have your situation assessed.
While nursing homes continues to be a profit-driven entity, and especially during these tough economic times, good practices and proper quality control can be ‘toss out the door’ in favor of cost cutting measures.
Reduction in work hours and staff wages will have a great impact, not only on the employees’ attitudes but also on the type of care they provide to our loved ones.
Our senor citizens are the least likely to complain about anything, thus making them most vulnerable to nursing home abuse. Our responsibility is not only to find a suitable nursing home but also to maintain a persistent lookout for anything that looks askew. Make it your responsibility to check out the facility not only before you take your loved one there, but also thereafter, stay involved in what goes on in the facility, which will ensure that the best care is being provided at all times. If however, you notice any of the warning signs of abuse and or neglect, it is imperative to alert the relevant authorities and contact a qualified nursing home abuse attorney to discuss your legal options.
At the Law Office of Igor Tarasov Esq. we can assess your matter and advice you on your legal rights going forward.
Personalized & Experienced Legal Representation in NYC
At the Law Office of Igor Tarasov Esq. we help you to understand your judicial rights and the statute of limitations on your particular time-sensitive case.
We explore all options available to assist you in recouping monetary damages for medical bills, all loss of wages, rehabilitation cost and home care cost.
Remember, accountability helps reduce overall negligence and incidents.
Schedule a free case evaluation today with an experienced New York Personal Injury Attorney at the Law Office of Igor Tarasov Esq. at 718.368.0690.
Remember there are no fees unless we are successful.